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TCM Physicians Clinic

Alternative and  Complementary Medicine —Facts You Should Know:

In terms of alternative medicine, there are myths and counter-myths, people in favor of it and against it, and true benefits and false benefits. Be aware that quack statements can come from both sides. Someone seeking benefits of an alternative or complementary therapy should always do some research to become familiar with facts about the therapy they are going to receive.

Today, it is common to read or to hear: “you should ask your doctor before using any herbal remedy or complementary therapy”, but while it is true that a person should always ask a licensed provider before using alternative therapies, it is also true that the provider must be familiar with the alternative health product or therapy in question, otherwise the patient could be misinformed. 

Some conventional doctors have taken courses or some other trainings in herbal medicine and other complementary therapies, but still many physicians have no education in this field, and their knowledge of alternative and complementary therapies is very poor. 

Besides wasting time and money, a health care product used negligently or without professional guidance can be harmful or even dangerous to ones health, especially when the person is also undergoing treatment of conventional drugs. Other fact to consider is denying the benefits of receiving a legitimate evidence-based alternative or complementary therapy. That can also be detrimental to the person’s health. 

Some evidence-based alternative and complimentary therapies such as acupuncture, massage, and modalities for mind-control and progressive muscle relaxation such as qigong and meditation, are commonly promoted by the National Institute of Health, and some herbal remedies and health supplements have been extensively studied and showed some degree of evidence-based effectiveness.

Clearly, alternative therapies can be beneficial or detrimental. Some complementary therapies such as acupuncture and TCM herbal medicine are now practiced at a professional level and require the expertise of a licensed provider with the clinical knowledge and legal authority to use and prescribe those treatments.

In Florida, who is seeking a qualified opinion on the use of acupuncture and TCM herbal medicine should remember to look out for the designated letters AP and or DOM after the name of the practitioner. Florida State Law, prohibits the use of the title AP (acupuncture physician) and DOM (Doctor of Oriental Medicine), unless the provider is a licensed practitioner of Oriental Medicine.  While, licensure does not guarantee therapeutic outcomes, at least people can know that the practitioner has the basic knowledge needed to practice and prescribe those therapies.   

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    The National Cancer Institute

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     Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, ABC of Herbal Medicine and CAM  

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    Information on this website is provided for informational purpose only and is no intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your health care provider. You should not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating an illness or health condition, or prescribing any medication, herbal remedy, or other form of therapy. Any third party offering or advertising on this website does not constitute an endorsement by Dr. Marcelo Lam or TCM Physicians Clinic.

    It is highly recommended to seek advice from a licensed health care provider knowledgeable in the use of herbal medicine, before using any herbal product for health care.

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