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TCM Physicians Clinic

Reduzca el colesterol malo con tratamiento natural, efectivo
 y seguro.
  ¿Le han dicho que no hay alternativas?
 Busque ayuda.

Nosotros podemos ayudarle. Tel. 305-267-4560


Tratamientos integrados contra el cáncer mejoran el índice 
de sobrevivencia y la calidad de vida de los pacientes.

Optimizando las terapias convencionales con Medicina Tradicional China
y tratamientos de "alta tecnología" disponibles a nivel mundial, se
amplían las opciones y se mejoran los resultados.
 Nosotros podemos
ayudarle. TCM Physicians Clinic, in Miami, Tel. 305-267-4560


Tiene usted dolor?  No viva con dolor. Busque ayuda. 
La acupuntura y la Medicina Tradicional China puede ayudarle.

TCM Physicians Clinic, in Miami, Tel. 305-267-4560 

    Site Mailing List 


    The National Cancer Institute

    The U.S. National Library of Medicine 

    National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health

     Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, ABC of Herbal Medicine and CAM  

    World Health Organization Traditional, CAM and integrative medicine

    Journals & Pubs on Traditional Chinese Medicine and Integrated Medicine

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    Information on this website is provided for informational purpose only and is no intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your health care provider. You should not use the information on this website for diagnosing or treating an illness or health condition, or prescribing any medication, herbal remedy, or other form of therapy. Any third party offering or advertising on this website does not constitute an endorsement by Dr. Marcelo Lam or TCM Physicians Clinic.

    It is highly recommended to seek advice from a licensed health care provider knowledgeable in the use of herbal medicine, before using any herbal product for health care.

    TCM Physicians Clinic Copyright © 1997 All Rights Reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part is prohibited.